
Acta zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae = Magyar Tudományos Akadémia zoológiai közleményei
Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia
Acta Zoologica et Pathologica Antverpiensia
Acta Zoologica Hungarica: Quarterly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Acta zoologica Lituanica
Acta Zoologica Sinica = Dongwu xuebao
Action Veterinaire
Activities Report of the R & D Associates
ADAS quarterly review
Added value: MIRINZ newsletter
Adresář československého obchodu.$$nDíl I.,Velkoobchod
Advanced agriculture
Advanced management /Society for the Advancement of Management.
Advancement of science
Advances In Biological and Medical Physics
Advances in food sciences: AFS ; official journal of the Mediterranean Scientific Association of Environmental Protection (MESAEP) and the International Academy of Environmental Safety (IAES)
Advances in genetics
Advances in Horticultural Science
Advances in morphogenesis
Advances in pest control research
Advances in veterinary science
Advances in veterinary science and comparative medicine
AE Agrarnyj ekspert
Aerosol Age. The magazine of pressure packaging
Aeskulapova zahrada: vědecko-populární časopis o léčivých průmyslových a kulturních rostlinách i živočišných drogách
Affaires exterieures.
AFG-Wirtschaft: Erfrischungsgetränk
Africa research Bulletin
African plant protection
AFZ. Allgemeine Forst-Zeitschrift für Waldwirtschaft und Umweltvorsorge
Ag consultant and fieldman
AG chem. and comercial fertilizer
Agence agricole internationale: information - documentation: service pour la presse agricole
Agenda agricola italiana
AgExporter: monthly magazine for food and agricultural exporters
Agra Europe
Agra Europe
Agra focus: the montly report for European agribusiness executives
Agra: hospodársky časopis pre Slovensko a Podkarpatskou Rus
Agrafood East Europe
Agrar Post: Unabhängige österreichische Zeitschrift
Agrar-Übersicht: aktive Magazin für aktive Landwirte
Agrardienst: Informationen für die deutsche Land-und Ernährungswirtschaft
Agrarforschung Schweiz
Agrarinformationsdienst Osteuropa
Agrárirodalmi szemle
Agrarisch Weekoverzicht /Landbouw-Economisch Instituut, Stafafdeling Sectie Prijzenstatistiek c.a.